The Fastest Way to Grab More Market Share With Zero Additional Marketing Effort
And as a bonus… your competition won’t even know what you’re doing!!

Do you want Exclusive High Quality leads from any of these markets:
- Over 50s Life Insurance
- Secured Loan
- Equity Release
- Bridging Loans
- Annuity
- Estate Planning
- Prepaid Funeral Plans
- Car Finance
- Retirement Planning
- Pensions
- Family Health Insurance
- Joint Health Insurance
- Medical Travel Insurance
Three Steps to Hot Leads
Step 1: Order your trial batch of leads
Step 2: Receive your leads and assess the quality (100 leads is usually good enough for this)
Step 3: If you are delighted with the leads, let’s agree a regular supply
Please Note
In order for us to supply you with leads you must meet the following requirements:
– You must be able to handle a minimum of 200 leads per month
– All phone leads must be answered (at least during business hours) in a timely manner, by properly trained staff